Only 4 days to go!!! Here are some details:
Goldsoul Official Press Release:
From the obscure to the ridiculous Soul of America?Imagine a 35 year culture 3,000 miles away from the US East Coast that regularly paid homage to unknown American singers and bands. Britain has long been an admirer of Soul music and known as the No.2 market for R&B after the US. Strange though, that the fans adore the likes of The Epitome of Sound, Billy Woods, The Ambers and 60's 45's by The Shirelles. But only the non-hits!
UK DJ and promoter Kev Roberts is one of the originators of the now infamous Northern Soul scene. In April 2006 he brings the UK's own brand of 'Togetherness' to the East Brunswick Hilton, New Jersey for a 7 day extravaganza dubbed 'SOULTRIPUSA'. Following years of promoting in the UK, it was the brainchild of Roberts to fly hundreds of UK fans across the Atlantic and meet up with their heroes and hopefully meet new friends. Its a sort of Oldies but Goodies with a twist. A successful debut in LA two years ago, saw around 700 attendees witness the delights of Brenton Wood (a minor hitmaker with the 'Oogum Boogum Song') to the ridiculously obscure Magnificents, Tempos, Marva Holiday and Freddie Hughes. Over 40 acts were promised, while 102 showed up.Kev Roberts a former New York resident of the 70's describes the scene as probably the most unique in music history.
Firstly, the dance culture of Northern Soul still exists after all these years. Thousands of over 35's are out most weekends showing off their athletics on the dance floor to George Blackwell's 'Can't Lose My Head', a major turntable spin on a Newark, New Jersey label that went out of business 30 odd years ago.If you can imagine a huge crowd dancing to the rhythms of The Vel-Vets, Chuck Wood, The Dynamics and any one of countless rare 45's from the 60's/70's without even a snifter from Aretha, Marvin, Teddy, Barry or R.Kelly, I think you get the picture.
The special event runs down a variety of interesting themes. As the UK contingent arrive at the hotel, the first 3 nights will be spent groovin' to a variety of turntable hits in the Hilton Sports Bar, mixed with the sights of many African American talents with equally bemused looks on their faces. Two major live shows in the Banquet Hall plus a record swap meet and a authentic Disco mix Saturday night as a tribute to one of the East Coast's music origins..DISCO! But only s-o-u-l-f-u-l-l-y! The Village People it ain't.As former Motown hitmaker Kim Weston said at the LA event, 'the passion for American failures musically, is strange, but you have to see the camaraderie and especially the dance moves, to believe it'. Actor James McEachin wrote several Northern Soul hits and witnessed the LA event quickly calling his close friend and fellow actress Sondra Locke by cell phone asking her to "get over here...you won't believe what's going on".The rare underground movement dates back to 1968 when the British Mod culture drifted from the hard rock sounds of the Who, Kinks and other assorted white R&B bands to new uptempo Soul singles from the likes of The Tams, Flamingos, Jamo Thomas, Yvonne Baker and The Five Stairsteps.
The doo-wop origins of the 50's laid down a more Motown style back beat, something the North of England warmed too.The promoters hope to be pleasantly surprised with the USA turnout as well as a few 'golden nuggets' rearing their heads. If anyone knows the whereabouts of 60's Roulette recording artist Chuck Wood or lives down the street from Robert Paladino the lead singer of the Epitome of Sound, a one off group who recorded the anthem 'You Don't Love Me' feel free to get in touch... the green room awaits.Some 35 years on, this remarkable movement is healthier than ever. As Roberts puts it 'the kids have grown up, a lot of mortgages are nearing closure and feel good factor is among this musically elite set of Brits'. Hopefully New Jersey will be ready to PARTY!
SOULTRIPUSA comes to the East Brunswick Hilton, New Jersey April 26-May 3, 2006. For show tickets and accommodation call USA CUSTOMER CONTACT Stephanie Heintzeler Email:soultripusa@nwtusa.net The toll free (USA) number is +1 / 866 / 676 - 4362. Show tickets only are available from http://www.goldsoul.co.uk/shop/events/usa2006.html The site also contains a wealth of Northern Soul information. To contact the promoters direct email SoultripUSA If you recorded in the 60's and 70's and would like more information, call Weldon McDougal at 1-610-626-8775.
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