Just picked up the above videos following George's performance at the Peachtree Soul Club backed by Lakewood Johnny & the HI-5. Highland Inn Ballroom Lounge in Atlanta, GA. July 31, 2009. Check out 2 further videos of George on Youtube
You can read more about George Hughley on Georgia Soul blog:
The evening was a great success and George blew everyone away. Thanks for sharing the videos on your blog. Hermon went on after George (we didn't get any video unfortunately) and was easily the best I had heard him. I think seeing George lit that fire under Hermon!
The evening was a great success and George blew everyone away. Thanks for sharing the videos on your blog. Hermon went on after George (we didn't get any video unfortunately) and was easily the best I had heard him. I think seeing George lit that fire under Hermon!